ObscUrban Legend Wikia

This category contains locations. This specifically refers to locations that do not directly involve hauntings or other types of legends. 

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North American Locations
Anjikuni Village · Bennington Triangle · Bermuda Triangle · Blood Bowl · Bremen Troll Bridge · Bridgewater Triangle · Clown Motel · Devil's Gate Reservoir · Devil's Kettle · Devil's Tramping Ground · Disney's River Country · Doveland, Wisconsin · Helltown · House of Blue Lights · Island of the Dolls · Langville, Montana · Shirtwood Forest · Spider Gates · Stairway to Hell · Urkhammer, Iowa · Wakulla Volcano · Zone of Silence
South American Locations
Hoer Verde
Asian Locations
European Locations
Cannock Chase · Flannan Isles Lighthouse · Hoia Forest
African Locations
Australian Locations
Bass Strait Triangle

All items (30)
