ObscUrban Legend Wikia
Ilkley Moor Alien
A close-up of the entity
Type Alien Sighting
Continent Europe
Country England
One-Time? Yes
Theories  · Extraterrestrial

The Ilkley Moor Alien sighting is a extraterrestrial sighting that took place On December 1, 1987, a retired police officer named Philip Spencer was walking on the moorlands near Yorkshire, England when he spotted a UFO and one of its occupants.


The entity appears to be humanoid in shape, with a large head and lanky arms that hang down to the ground.


  • While undergoing hypnosis, Spencer recalled being taken into the saucer and experimented on. (theparanormalguide.com)
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Alien Sightings
North American Alien Sightings
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European Alien Sightings
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Miscellaneous Alien Sightings
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European Alien Sightings
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European UFO Sightings
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European Phenomena
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European Beings
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European Events
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European Locations
Cannock Chase · Flannan Isles Lighthouse · Hoia Forest · Poveglia


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