ObscUrban Legend Wikia
Parana Creature
A photograph of the creature
Type Cryptid
Continent South America
Country Brazil
One-Time? Yes
Theories  · Cryptid
 · Chupacabra

The Parana Creature was the name given to a strange animal carcass that was discovered by firefighters on October 21 near the shore of the Parana River in Carmen del Paraná, Itapúa.


The creature appears to be slightly over a foot long from head to toe. It is frog-like in form, but also monkey-like, with five fingers on each hand. The creature has no discernible neck and has pale skin.

Possible Explanations[]

There aren't explanations as to what the creature could be. Theories include:

  • An undiscovered species (a Cryptid)
  • Chupacabra
  • A monkey


  • A medical examiner who examined the photos was unable to determine what it might be.
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North American Cryptids
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South American Cryptids
Arica Monster · Atlantic Ocean Winged Abomination · Beast of Macachín Airport · Brazilian Werewolf · Calama Creature · De Loys' Ape · El Cuero · Gargantuan Globulous · Huallepen · Kap-Dwa · Manta Man · Mapinguari · Minhocão · Parana Creature · Sawtooth Dolphin · Telepathic Football · Tshenkutshen
Asian Cryptids
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European Cryptids
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African Cryptids
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Australian Cryptids
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Miscellaneous Cryptids
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South America
South American Cryptids
Arica Monster · Atlantic Ocean Winged Abomination · Beast of Macachín Airport · Brazilian Werewolf · Calama Creature · De Loys' Ape · El Cuero · Gargantuan Globulous · Huallepen · Manta Man · Mapinguari · Minhocão · Parana Creature · Sawtooth Dolphin · Telepathic Football · Tshenkutshen
South American Alien Sightings
Arboreal Abomination · Brazilian Alien Corpse · Paciencia Abductors · Parque Forestal Alien · Potosi Sheepslayer · Varginha Devil
South American UFO Sightings
Olinda UFO
South American Hauntings
Hotel del Salto
South American Phenomena
La Mancha Negra
South American Beings
Argentina Gnome · Kap-Dwa · The Hiper Bompreço self-immolator
South American Events
Araçariguama Incident
South American Locations


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