ObscUrban Legend Wikia
Type Being
Continent North America
Country United States
One-Time? No
Theories  · Tall humanoid

The Slendergumby was a humanoid entity that made only three appearances in mid-August of 2017. First posted to Reddit and later submitted to the National Cryptid Society's website by a witness known as "Luke", the account involves a tall humanoid entity inhabited the forested areas near the witness's house. For three nights in a row, Luke claimed to have seen a tall humanoid entity wandering about in the farmland behind his house.[1]


The entity was described by Luke as resembling the popular fictional clay character Gumby, both in its gangly appearance and the fact that it appeared to be a flat "slab" when viewed from the side. Luke described the creature as being much too tall to be a human and covered in gray skin. While the body was reportedly very stiff and rigid, the legs were described as lacking knee joints but instead bowing outward and inward like a plank of wood bowing due to pressure. Instead of a normal human-like gait, this resulted in the entity taking huge lunging steps.

Possible Explanations[]

There are several explanations as to what the creature could be. Theories include:

  • A tall humanoid

Notable Encounters[]

I saw something reminiscent of slender man. Obviously slenderman is a creepy pasta but this isn’t slender man. There’s a farm behind my house, separated by a canal. The farm stretches maybe about 1000 feet back before it hits a tree line. A couple weeks ago, I was eating dinner and was staring out at the farm. It was maybe 20 minutes until nightfall.

I saw what looked like a really tall, gray version of “Gumby” walk out of the tree line, take two really large lunges, then disappear back into the tree line. It was much too tall to be a person.

It was flat but its legs bended in a way that looked like a plank bending. Like how a piece of wood bows when weight is put on it but springs back up when the weight is taken off. Its body, from where I could see it, was rigid. It didn’t look flexible aside from the legs and the limbs were fairly wide

The next night, at the same time, the same exact thing happened except my parents were with me. It walked on two legs but it was more like lunges or arching steps than human walking. I asked them if they saw that and they just said “saw what?”

Then it happened AGAIN the third night. So either my body is giving me random hallucinations in sync with my body’s time clock or there’s some weird Slendergumby demon living on the farm behind my house. I haven’t been home much recently so I haven’t been able to look for it again but if I’m able to. I haven’t seen whatever it was since those three times and was unable to get a photo of it due to how far away it was.

Its movements and stride were consistently the same all three days and it happened at the same time each night. I’ve yet to venture to the farm to look at the area that I saw it, but when I do, I’ll take photos of anything that looks interesting or out of the ordinary. This was in the middle of a very populated city so seeing something this outlandish in a human heavy area was quite strange.


  • on August 14, 2017, was described by Luke as resembling the popular fictional clay character Gumby, both in its gangly appearance and the fact that it appeared to be a flat "slab" when viewed from the side. Luke described the creature as being much too tall to be a human and covered in gray skin. While the body was reportedly very stiff and rigid, the legs were described as lacking knee joints but instead bowing outward and inward like a plank of wood bowing due to pressure. Instead of a normal human-like gait, this resulted in the entity taking huge lunging steps.
  • Luke admitted that it was possible that he was hallucinating but dismissed that conclusion due to the creature making its appearance at the same time every night and making near identical movements each time. Luke claims that the distant position of the creature made getting a photograph impossible, explaining the lack of photographic evidence.
  • The odd appearance and short run of sightings make it nearly impossible to determine the identity of the figure. When examining local wildlife to identify a possible culprit for mistaken identity, the closest possiblities are tall wading birds such as the wood stork, great egret, or whooping crane, all three of which are a white or light gray in color.
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North America
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North American Phenomena
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North American Beings
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North American Events
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North American Locations
Anjikuni Village · Area 51 · Bennington Triangle · Bermuda Triangle · Blood Bowl · Bremen Troll Bridge · Bridgewater Triangle · Clown Motel · Devil's Gate Reservoir · Devil's Kettle · Devil's Tramping Ground · Disney's River Country · Doveland, Wisconsin · Helltown · House of Blue Lights · Island of the Dolls · Langville, Montana · Mel’s Hole · Shirtwood Forest · Spider Gates · Stairway to Hell · Urkhammer, Iowa · Wakulla Volcano · Zone of Silence